I'm Dayen S.Khadijah.I was born in Jakarta,26 years ago.May 23rd 1981 for exactly.I used to live in Tebet with my parents,my sister and brother.My father already pass away 22 years ago,when i was 4 years old.So my mother afford us as her children.I love my father and mother so much.
Year 2000 i live on my own in east jakarta,and try to afford my self for college and life.
In Nov 2001,I've got married with Arief Santoso,my lovely boyfriend,with our love and faith we promised to Our God Allah SWT to share our lives together.My mother doesn't agree with my marriage.And then we move on to Cilandak. 2 months After the marriage i've got pregnant....Oh God i'm so happy to hear that.
In Oct 17th 2002,M Dany Santoso was born...It was an amazing day for me and my husband,having our child in our home.
Now he was 5 years old,and already goes to school (Kindergarden)Both of us like football especially Manchester United.Always Manchester United.Glory Glory Man United!!!!
1 komentar:
Selamat Datang Dayen...
Selamat Datang di dunia Cyber...
Selamat pula telah menjadi Blogger...
Terimakasih atas comment nya di Blog saya, yang secara gak langsung memberikan semangat dan motivasi untuk ngeblog ria..hehe
salam buat keluarga semua khususnya sony and dany..
mudah2an diberi kekuatan untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah warrahmah....:)
bukan begitu kawan ?
Sebagai akhir kata....
sebagai pedoman buat kita semua para blogger and user internet pada umumnya, internet hanyalah alat atau tools sejatinya hati dan pikiran kitalah yang mengendalikannya...
Bravo dayen...
sukses yach...
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